Logging Out
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Logging Out

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Article summary

Agility Blue uses the OpenID connect standard for identity management. By default, access tokens from the system last for 20 minutes and are accompanied by refresh tokens that last for 3 days. Provided a user is active at some point within 3 days, they will stay logged into the system and not be asked to re-enter their credentials. If the user does not wish to stay logged in, they must use the logout link located on the user menu (top-right). If the user is currently logged in through an external identity provider like Google or Microsoft, Agility Blue will sever the link. This does not mean that the user will be logged out of the provider, it means that the user will have to re-engage the external provider again if they wish to log back into Agility Blue using that provider. Each provider treats the logout process differently, so the user should become familiar with their provider’s logout process by consulting their provider’s documentation for more information.

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