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Article summary


Creates a new matter.


Returns a matter object.


EntryMatter ObjectYes
BypassCustomFieldValidationSwitchNo, Defaults to falseIgnores required field requirement for custom fields when the entry is saved.


Create a new matter (no custom fields)

# Create a new matter (no custom fields)

# Create an object with the necessary fields to create the matter
# Note: The ClientId field is required. It needs to be the ClientId field found on 
#       the parent client.
# Note: The Reference field is not required, but we're including it here due to how
#       common it is to contain information.

$entry = @{
    ClientId    = 67
    Name        = "Steel City Construction v Brick Masters"
    Reference   = "SCBM001"

# Create the matter. The created entry will be returned back.
$data = Add-Matter -Entry $entry

# Output some information to help indicate that the client was created
Write-Output "Matter $($data.MatterId) ($($data.Name)) was created on client $($data.ClientId) ($($data.ClientName))"

# For debug purposes, convert the data to output as JSON so we can see all the fields
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "JSON Results:"

$jsonOutput = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

# Output the data
Write-Output $jsonOutput

Execution results:

Matter 99 (Steel City Construction v Brick Masters) was created on client 67 (QuantumTech v. CyberInnovate)

JSON Results:
  "MatterId": 99,
  "Name": "Steel City Construction v Brick Masters",
  "Reference": "SCBM001",
  "Active": true,
  "ClientId": 67,
  "Client": null,
  "ClientName": "QuantumTech v. CyberInnovate",
  "ClientReference": "QT00001",
  "DefaultContactId": null,
  "DefaultContact": null,
  "DefaultContactFullName": null,
  "IsFavorite": false,
  "NumberOfProjects": 0,
  "NumberOfTasks": 0,
  "NumberOfMediaLogEntries": 0,
  "NumberOfVolumes": 0,
  "NumberOfBillingEntries": 0,
  "NumberOfComments": 0,
  "FirstProjectCreatedOnDate": null,
  "LastProjectCreatedOnDate": null,
  "CreatedByFullName": "Max Miller",
  "CreatedById": "25a34a2f-e3d8-4690-88f5-6b399cf88c4c",
  "CreatedOn": "2024-04-17T12:49:33.9343641+00:00",
  "CreatedBy": null,
  "LastUpdatedByFullName": "Max Miller",
  "LastUpdatedById": "25a34a2f-e3d8-4690-88f5-6b399cf88c4c",
  "LastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-17T12:49:33.9343641+00:00",
  "LastUpdatedBy": null,
  "Fields": [
      "FieldId": 19,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 5,
      "DataTypeName": "Yes or No Choice",
      "Label": "ESI Protocol Attached",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 0,
      "Guid": 1492029172604,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": "false",
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 28,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 2,
      "DataTypeName": "Rich Text",
      "Label": "Notes & Misc that can't fit in a single line",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 1,
      "Guid": 1531229623985,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 29,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 2,
      "DataTypeName": "Rich Text",
      "Label": "ESI Protocol",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 2,
      "Guid": 1570803558740,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 51,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 8,
      "DataTypeName": "Single Choice",
      "Label": "Team Color",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 3,
      "Guid": 8895432013021,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": "Red\nGreen\nBlue",
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 63,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 10,
      "DataTypeName": "Reference",
      "Label": "Skills",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 4,
      "Guid": 3294117251654,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 66,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 4,
      "DataTypeName": "Decimal Number",
      "Label": "Total Billing Amount",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 5,
      "Guid": 6886580921259,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": "0",
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 70,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 1,
      "DataTypeName": "Basic Text",
      "Label": "Email Domains",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 6,
      "Guid": 6721810143004,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 72,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 1,
      "DataTypeName": "Basic Text",
      "Label": "Media Log Entry Prefix",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 7,
      "Guid": 7749781040934,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": null,
      "ReferenceObject": null

Create a new matter(with custom fields)

# Create a new matter (with custom fields)

# Create an object with the necessary fields to create the matter
# Note: The ClientId field is required. It needs to be the ClientId field found on 
#       the parent client.
# Note: The Reference field is not required, but we're including it here due to how
#       common it is to contain information.

$entry = @{
    ClientId    = 67
    Name        = "Titan Contractors v Reliable Renovations"
    Reference   = "TCRR001"
    Fields    = @(
        FieldId = 19
        Label   = "ESI Protocol Attached"
        Value   = @{
          ValueAsBoolean = $false
        FieldId = 28
        Label   = "Notes & Misc that can't fit in a single line"
        Value   = @{
          ValueAsString = "<p>Matter opened up on 1/1/2024</p><p>Data collected on 2/1/2024</p>"
        FieldId = 29
        Label   = "ESI Protocol"
        Value   = @{}
        FieldId = 29
        Label   = "Team Color"
        Value   = @{
          ValueAsString = "Blue"
        FieldId = 63
        Label   = "Skills"
        Value   = @{
          ReferenceObject = @{
            Values = @(
                KeyAsInteger = 1
                Value = "Document Review"
                KeyAsInteger = 2
                Value = "Analytics"
        FieldId = 66
        Label   = "Total Billing Amount"
        Value   = @{
          ValueAsDecimal = 0.00
        FieldId = 70
        Label   = "Email Domains"
        Value   = @{
          ValueAsString = ""
        FieldId = 29
        Label   = "Media Log Entry Prefix"
        Value   = @{
          ValueAsString = "TC"

# Create the matter. The created entry will be returned back.
$data = Add-Matter -Entry $entry

# Output some information to help indicate that the client was created
Write-Output "Matter $($data.MatterId) ($($data.Name)) was created on client $($data.ClientId) ($($data.ClientName))"

# For debug purposes, convert the data to output as JSON so we can see all the fields
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "JSON Results:"

$jsonOutput = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

# Output the data
Write-Output $jsonOutput

Execution results:

Matter 100 (Titan Contractors v Reliable Renovations) was created on client 67 (QuantumTech v. CyberInnovate)

JSON Results:
  "MatterId": 100,
  "Name": "Titan Contractors v Reliable Renovations",
  "Reference": "TCRR001",
  "Active": true,
  "ClientId": 67,
  "Client": null,
  "ClientName": "QuantumTech v. CyberInnovate",
  "ClientReference": "QT00001",
  "DefaultContactId": null,
  "DefaultContact": null,
  "DefaultContactFullName": null,
  "IsFavorite": false,
  "NumberOfProjects": 0,
  "NumberOfTasks": 0,
  "NumberOfMediaLogEntries": 0,
  "NumberOfVolumes": 0,
  "NumberOfBillingEntries": 0,
  "NumberOfComments": 0,
  "FirstProjectCreatedOnDate": null,
  "LastProjectCreatedOnDate": null,
  "CreatedByFullName": "Max Miller",
  "CreatedById": "25a34a2f-e3d8-4690-88f5-6b399cf88c4c",
  "CreatedOn": "2024-04-17T13:08:50.8592386+00:00",
  "CreatedBy": null,
  "LastUpdatedByFullName": "Max Miller",
  "LastUpdatedById": "25a34a2f-e3d8-4690-88f5-6b399cf88c4c",
  "LastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-17T13:08:50.8592386+00:00",
  "LastUpdatedBy": null,
  "Fields": [
      "FieldId": 19,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 5,
      "DataTypeName": "Yes or No Choice",
      "Label": "ESI Protocol Attached",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 0,
      "Guid": 1492029172604,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": "false",
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2170,
        "ObjectFieldId": 19,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": null,
        "ValueAsBoolean": false,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": null,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": null
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 28,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 2,
      "DataTypeName": "Rich Text",
      "Label": "Notes & Misc that can't fit in a single line",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 1,
      "Guid": 1531229623985,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2171,
        "ObjectFieldId": 28,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": "<p>Matter opened up on 1/1/2024</p><p>Data collected on 2/1/2024</p>",
        "ValueAsBoolean": null,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": null,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": null
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 29,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 2,
      "DataTypeName": "Rich Text",
      "Label": "ESI Protocol",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 2,
      "Guid": 1570803558740,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2172,
        "ObjectFieldId": 29,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": null,
        "ValueAsBoolean": null,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": null,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": null
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 51,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 8,
      "DataTypeName": "Single Choice",
      "Label": "Team Color",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 3,
      "Guid": 8895432013021,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": "Red\nGreen\nBlue",
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2173,
        "ObjectFieldId": 51,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": null,
        "ValueAsBoolean": null,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": null,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": null
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 63,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 10,
      "DataTypeName": "Reference",
      "Label": "Skills",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 4,
      "Guid": 3294117251654,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2174,
        "ObjectFieldId": 63,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": null,
        "ValueAsBoolean": null,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": null,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": {
          "ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceId": 325,
          "ObjectFieldValueId": 2174,
          "ObjectId": 16,
          "Object": null,
          "PrimaryObjectId": 2,
          "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
          "KeyType": "Int32",
          "DisplayFormat": "%Name%",
          "IsSystemObject": false,
          "Name": null,
          "NumberOfValues": 2,
          "Values": [
              "ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceValueId": 240,
              "ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceId": 325,
              "KeyAsString": null,
              "KeyAsInteger": 1,
              "KeyAsLong": null,
              "Value": "Document Review"
              "ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceValueId": 241,
              "ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceId": 325,
              "KeyAsString": null,
              "KeyAsInteger": 2,
              "KeyAsLong": null,
              "Value": "Analytics"
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 66,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 4,
      "DataTypeName": "Decimal Number",
      "Label": "Total Billing Amount",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 5,
      "Guid": 6886580921259,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": "0",
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2175,
        "ObjectFieldId": 66,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": null,
        "ValueAsBoolean": null,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": 0.0000,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": null
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 70,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 1,
      "DataTypeName": "Basic Text",
      "Label": "Email Domains",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 6,
      "Guid": 6721810143004,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2176,
        "ObjectFieldId": 70,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": "",
        "ValueAsBoolean": null,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": null,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": null
      "ReferenceObject": null
      "FieldId": 72,
      "ObjectId": 2,
      "DataTypeId": 1,
      "DataTypeName": "Basic Text",
      "Label": "Media Log Entry Prefix",
      "IsRequired": false,
      "Position": 7,
      "Guid": 7749781040934,
      "IsSystemField": false,
      "IsReferenceValue": false,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
      "Value": {
        "ObjectFieldValueId": 2177,
        "ObjectFieldId": 72,
        "ObjectId": 2,
        "PrimaryKeyId": 100,
        "ValueAsString": null,
        "ValueAsBoolean": null,
        "ValueAsNumber": null,
        "ValueAsDecimal": null,
        "ValueAsDate": null,
        "ReferenceObject": null
      "ReferenceObject": null

What's Next