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Updates an existing client.
Returns a client object.
Parameter | Type | Required? | Notes |
Entry | Client Object | Yes | |
BypassCustomFieldValdiation | Switch | No, Defaults to false | Ignores required field requirement for custom fields when the entry is saved. |
Updates an existing client
# Update an existing client
# A common flow for updating existing data is to first retrieve the data using the GET
# command, update specific fields, and then provide the modified data back using the SET command.
$entry = Get-Client -Id 67
# In this example, we want to update the "Active" system field to false:
$entry.Active = $false
# We also want to update a basic text custom field named "Main Contact Name" to "Cecil Hudson"
$mainContactNameField = $entry.Fields | Where-Object { $_.Label -eq "Main Contact Name" }
# This is a safety check to make sure that a value exists. For example, the value object may
# not exist on a field because the custom field was added after the entry already existed.
if ($null -eq $mainContactNameField.Value) {
$mainContactNameField.Value = @{}
# Here, we update the 'ValueAsString' property of the value because our custom field is a text-
# based field. If this was a whole number, you would use 'ValueAsNumber', a decimal would be
# 'ValueAsDecimal', a yes/no field would be 'ValueAsBoolean', and a date field would be 'ValueAsDate'
$mainContactNameField.Value.ValueAsString = "Cecil Hudson"
# Save the modified client
$data = Set-Client -Entry $entry
# Output some information to help indicate that the client was updated
Write-Output "Client $($data.ClientId) was updated"
# For debug purposes, convert the data to output as JSON so we can see all the fields
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "JSON Results:"
$jsonOutput = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
# Output the data
Write-Output $jsonOutput
Client 67 was updated
JSON Results:
"ClientId": 67,
"Name": "QuantumTech v. CyberInnovate",
"Reference": "QT00001",
"Active": false,
"IsFavorite": false,
"NumberOfMatters": 0,
"NumberOfProjects": 0,
"NumberOfTasks": 0,
"NumberOfMediaLogEntries": 0,
"NumberOfVolumes": 0,
"NumberOfBillingEntries": 0,
"NumberOfComments": 0,
"FirstProjectCreatedOnDate": null,
"LastProjectCreatedOnDate": null,
"CreatedByFullName": "Max Miller",
"CreatedById": "25a34a2f-e3d8-4690-88f5-6b399cf88c4c",
"CreatedOn": "2024-03-05T15:11:14.9089738+00:00",
"CreatedBy": null,
"LastUpdatedByFullName": "Max Miller",
"LastUpdatedById": "25a34a2f-e3d8-4690-88f5-6b399cf88c4c",
"LastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-17T12:33:05.3342775+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": null,
"Fields": [
"FieldId": 10,
"ObjectId": 1,
"DataTypeId": 1,
"DataTypeName": "Basic Text",
"Label": "Main Contact Name",
"IsRequired": false,
"Position": 0,
"Guid": 1475776072753,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 2164,
"ObjectFieldId": 10,
"ObjectId": 1,
"PrimaryKeyId": 67,
"ValueAsString": "Cecil Hudson",
"ValueAsBoolean": null,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": null
"ReferenceObject": null
"FieldId": 14,
"ObjectId": 1,
"DataTypeId": 2,
"DataTypeName": "Rich Text",
"Label": "Client Address",
"IsRequired": false,
"Position": 3,
"Guid": 1476994440044,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 2165,
"ObjectFieldId": 14,
"ObjectId": 1,
"PrimaryKeyId": 67,
"ValueAsString": null,
"ValueAsBoolean": null,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": null
"ReferenceObject": null
"FieldId": 20,
"ObjectId": 1,
"DataTypeId": 1,
"DataTypeName": "Basic Text",
"Label": "Primary Phone",
"IsRequired": false,
"Position": 1,
"Guid": 1500308933569,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 2166,
"ObjectFieldId": 20,
"ObjectId": 1,
"PrimaryKeyId": 67,
"ValueAsString": null,
"ValueAsBoolean": null,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": null
"ReferenceObject": null
"FieldId": 21,
"ObjectId": 1,
"DataTypeId": 1,
"DataTypeName": "Basic Text",
"Label": "Primary Email",
"IsRequired": false,
"Position": 2,
"Guid": 1500308948435,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 2167,
"ObjectFieldId": 21,
"ObjectId": 1,
"PrimaryKeyId": 67,
"ValueAsString": null,
"ValueAsBoolean": null,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": null
"ReferenceObject": null
"FieldId": 27,
"ObjectId": 1,
"DataTypeId": 2,
"DataTypeName": "Rich Text",
"Label": "Notes and Misc.",
"IsRequired": false,
"Position": 4,
"Guid": 1531172010609,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 2168,
"ObjectFieldId": 27,
"ObjectId": 1,
"PrimaryKeyId": 67,
"ValueAsString": null,
"ValueAsBoolean": null,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": null
"ReferenceObject": null
"FieldId": 55,
"ObjectId": 1,
"DataTypeId": 10,
"DataTypeName": "Reference",
"Label": "User",
"IsRequired": false,
"Position": 5,
"Guid": 2907893454017,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 2169,
"ObjectFieldId": 55,
"ObjectId": 1,
"PrimaryKeyId": 67,
"ValueAsString": null,
"ValueAsBoolean": null,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": {
"ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceId": 324,
"ObjectFieldValueId": 2169,
"ObjectId": 8,
"Object": null,
"PrimaryObjectId": 1,
"PrimaryKeyId": 67,
"KeyType": "String",
"DisplayFormat": "%Val%",
"IsSystemObject": true,
"Name": null,
"NumberOfValues": 0,
"Values": []
"ReferenceObject": null