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Retrieves a collection of billing entry field cache objects.
Returns a collection object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Notes |
Collection | Collection of billing entry field cache objects | The collection of entries retrieved after top, skip, filter, and order by parameters were applied. |
Top | Int32 | The top parameter value that was used. Useful while paging data. |
Skip | Int32 | The skip parameter value that was used. Useful while paging data. |
TotalCount | Int32 | The total count of records available after any filtering was applied. Useful while paging data. |
Field Cache Objects
Field cache objects cannot be used directly for updating an object using a
command. Instead, you will need to retrieve the object you intend to update directly using aGet-*
command, modify the properties you want to update, and then save that object back using aSet-*
Parameter | Type | Required? | Notes |
Top | Int32 | No, Defaults to 40 | Total number of entries to retrieve. Max is 1000. |
Skip | Int32 | No, Defaults to 0 | How many entries should be skipped within the collection. Used for paging the results. |
Filter | String | No | An OData 4 string that can be used for filtering the collection. |
OrderBy | String | No | An OData 4 string that can be used for sorting the collection by specific fields. |
Get a collection of billing entries
# This sample shows how to use filtering, ordering, and paging to iterate through all of the matching data.
$top = 1000
$skip = 0
$page = 1
$usCulture = [Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo("en-US")
# In this filtering example, we want to retrieve all billing entries, but only for the current month.
# Billing entries are stored on the server in UTC time, so to get an accurate representation of the current month,
# we need to convert the current date to a local time zone, and then apply the filter.
# Get current DateTime in local time zone
$currentDate = Get-Date
# Convert to Central Standard Time
$cstZone = [TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time")
$currentCSTDate = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime($currentDate, $cstZone)
# Lastly, get the first day of the current year. Note that we need to convert the date to a string
# format, or the server will throw an error.
$firstDayOfTheYear = (Get-Date `
-Year $currentCSTDate.Year `
-Month 1 `
-Day 1).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK")
# Add a filter and orderBy
$filter = "Date ge $($firstDayOfTheYear)"
$orderBy = "Date"
do {
$billingEntries = Get-BillingEntries `
-Filter $filter `
-OrderBy $orderBy `
-Top $top `
-Skip $skip
Write-Output ">> Page $page Results <<"
$collectionType = $billingEntries.GetType()
Write-Output "Type of Collection: $($collectionType.FullName)"
$billingEntries.Collection | ForEach-Object {
$localDate = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime($_.Date, $cstZone).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
"[$($localDate)] Id: $($_.BillingEntryId) | $($_.BillingTypeDescription) | Qty: $($_.Quantity) | Price: $($_.UnitPrice.ToString('C', $usCulture)) | Total: $(($_.Quantity * $_.UnitPrice).ToString('C', $usCulture))"
Write-Output "Total Count: $($billingEntries.TotalCount)"
# Calculate the sum of the billing entries. Here, we can use the Measure-Object cmdlet
$sum = ($billingEntries.Collection | Measure-Object -Property { $_.Quantity * $_.UnitPrice } -Sum).Sum
Write-Output "Total Sum: $($sum.ToString('C', $usCulture))"
Write-Output ""
$skip += $top
$page += 1
} while ($skip -lt $billingEntries.TotalCount)
Results of executing the script:
>> Page 1 Results <<
[2023-01-27] Id: 88876 | Processing | Qty: 100.00 | Price: $100.00 | Total: $10,000.00
[2023-01-27] Id: 88877 | Discovery | Qty: 1.00 | Price: $15.00 | Total: $15.00
[2023-01-28] Id: 88878 | Staging | Qty: 5.00 | Price: $0.00 | Total: $0.00
[2023-02-01] Id: 88880 | Hosting | Qty: 1.00 | Price: $100.00 | Total: $100.00
[2023-02-01] Id: 88881 | Discovery | Qty: 1.00 | Price: $5.00 | Total: $5.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88882 | Redacting | Qty: 25.00 | Price: $1.50 | Total: $37.50
[2023-02-02] Id: 88883 | Discovery | Qty: 10.00 | Price: $15.00 | Total: $150.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88884 | Relativity Hosting | Qty: 5.00 | Price: $5.00 | Total: $25.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88885 | Relativity Hosting | Qty: 12.00 | Price: $5.00 | Total: $60.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88886 | Relativity Hosting | Qty: 9.00 | Price: $5.00 | Total: $45.00
Total Count: 146
Total Sum: $10,437.50
>> Page 2 Results <<
[2023-02-02] Id: 88887 | Processing | Qty: 15.00 | Price: $75.00 | Total: $1,125.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88888 | Consulting | Qty: 1.00 | Price: $125.00 | Total: $125.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88890 | Consulting | Qty: 15.00 | Price: $175.00 | Total: $2,625.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88891 | Voids | Qty: 13.00 | Price: $0.00 | Total: $0.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88892 | Relativity Hosting | Qty: 15.00 | Price: $5.00 | Total: $75.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88893 | Hosting | Qty: 1256.00 | Price: $100.00 | Total: $125,600.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88894 | Indexing (Electronic) | Qty: 1000.00 | Price: $1.00 | Total: $1,000.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88895 | OCR | Qty: 156.00 | Price: $0.03 | Total: $4.68
[2023-02-02] Id: 88896 | DVD Duplication | Qty: 5.00 | Price: $2.00 | Total: $10.00
[2023-02-02] Id: 88897 | Endorsement (Electronic) | Qty: 15.00 | Price: $0.01 | Total: $0.15
Total Count: 146
Total Sum: $130,564.83
(Further results removed)