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Retrieves an existing billing entry.
Returns a billing entry object.
Parameter | Type | Required? | Notes |
Id | Int32 | Yes | The billing entry id. |
Get an existing billing entry
This example retrieves a specific billing entry and outputs it as JSON. Note that the output in this example indicate that there are 2 custom fields as part of the billing entry object: "Billed?" - a yes/no field, and "On Behalf Of" - a user reference field.
# Get an existing billing entry
$billingEntry = Get-BillingEntry -Id 89007
# Convert the billing entry from a PowerShell object to a JSON object so we can observe the available properties
Write-Output $billingEntry | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
Results of executing the script:
"BillingEntryId": 89007,
"BillingTypeId": 9,
"BillingTypeDescriptionOverride": null,
"BillingType": null,
"BillingTypeBillingCode": "PROC",
"BillingTypeCategory": null,
"BillingTypeDescription": "Processing",
"BillingTypeUnitName": "GB",
"ProjectId": null,
"Project": null,
"ProjectDescription": null,
"MatterId": 16812,
"Matter": null,
"MatterName": "Test Matter",
"MatterReference": "TEST000001",
"ClientId": 30110,
"Client": null,
"ClientName": "Test Client",
"ClientReference": "TEST0001",
"TaskId": null,
"Task": null,
"TaskName": null,
"Narrative": null,
"Notes": null,
"Quantity": 10.00,
"UnitPrice": 0.00,
"TotalPrice": 0.0000,
"Date": "2023-09-22T07:30:06.6725261-05:00",
"ProjectInvoicedOn": null,
"ProjectIsApproved": false,
"CreatedByFullName": "Tracy McKay",
"CreatedById": "37004c9a-93e3-473c-8f96-a0556bf6735c",
"CreatedOn": "2023-09-22T07:31:19.1268113-05:00",
"CreatedBy": null,
"LastUpdatedByFullName": "Tracy McKay",
"LastUpdatedById": "37004c9a-93e3-473c-8f96-a0556bf6735c",
"LastUpdatedOn": "2023-09-22T07:31:19.2650507-05:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": null,
"Fields": [
"FieldId": 19126,
"ObjectId": 9,
"DataTypeId": 5,
"DataTypeName": "Yes or No Choice",
"Label": "Billed?",
"IsRequired": true,
"Position": 1,
"Guid": 9887963471239,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 693713,
"ObjectFieldId": 19126,
"ObjectId": 9,
"PrimaryKeyId": 89007,
"ValueAsString": null,
"ValueAsBoolean": true,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": null
"ReferenceObject": null
"FieldId": 19366,
"ObjectId": 9,
"DataTypeId": 10,
"DataTypeName": "Reference",
"Label": "On Behalf Of",
"IsRequired": false,
"Position": 0,
"Guid": 4933307851647,
"IsSystemField": false,
"IsReferenceValue": false,
"DefaultValue": null,
"CopyPreviousValueOnSaveAndNew": false,
"Value": {
"ObjectFieldValueId": 693715,
"ObjectFieldId": 19366,
"ObjectId": 9,
"PrimaryKeyId": 89007,
"ValueAsString": null,
"ValueAsBoolean": null,
"ValueAsNumber": null,
"ValueAsDecimal": null,
"ValueAsDate": null,
"ReferenceObject": {
"ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceId": 61400,
"ObjectFieldValueId": 693715,
"ObjectId": 8,
"Object": null,
"PrimaryObjectId": 9,
"PrimaryKeyId": 89007,
"KeyType": "String",
"DisplayFormat": "%Val%",
"IsSystemObject": true,
"Name": null,
"NumberOfValues": 1,
"Values": [
"ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceValueId": 81247,
"ObjectFieldReferenceObjectInstanceId": 61400,
"KeyAsString": "37004c9a-93e3-473c-8f96-a0556bf6735c",
"KeyAsInteger": null,
"KeyAsLong": null,
"Value": "Tracy McKay"
"ReferenceObject": null