Sharing a Task
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Sharing a Task

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Article summary

Initiate the Share Task Information window dialog from the following two locations:

  • The Task actions bar
  • The Task context menu (Settings wheel on the far right-hand side of any Task)

The Share Task Information dialog window contains these fields:

Email SubjectThe subject line that the email will use.
RecipientsSelect one more contacts from the dropdown list. New contacts can be made quickly by clicking on the plus icon next to the Recipients label.
Copy me on the EmailDetermines if a copy of the email should also be sent to you.
Message BodyThis is the body of the email that will be sent to recipients when sharing a task. The “Available Fields” dropdown can be used to pick system, task, or custom form fields used as placeholders within the template body. A template can be selected using the “Apply Template…” link on the top right-hand side of the Message body field. See the section on “Creating Templates” for further information on this field.

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