Reading Forms
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Reading Forms

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Article summary

The information filled out in Task Forms is presented to Users that expand the Task details.


  1. Edit a Task in order to add information, add new Forms, or remove existing Forms for the Task.
  2. Use the “Add a Form” shortcut button to simply add and fill out a new Form to the Task. Useful if you do not need to alter any other information on the Task and you just want to add new information via filling out a new Form.
  3. Expand or collapse all of the section headings in the Task.
  4. Displays the Form name on the right-hand side of the first section heading of each Form.
  5. The section heading of the Form. You can expand or collapse these sections individually by clicking on the arrow or text of the section heading.
  6. The left-hand portion of each section displays each Field label.
  7. The right-hand portion of each section displays the value of each Field.

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